The Climate Youth Negotiator Programme trains young people to actively participate in climate negotiations, empowering them to represent their countries in global fora. This year’s programme kicked off this month. Read on to find out more!

Young people must be at the table – as designers of their own future, not as recipients of decisions of elders who have, let’s be honest, failed them in so many key respects.” –  António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations

Climate change processes and decision-making often do not consider young people’s interests. However, to achieve fair and just climate action, all age groups should have a seat at the table. This is part of the drive behind this year’s Climate Youth Negotiator Programme (CYNP) Fundamental Training, which kicked off in July 2024.

The CYNP training programme is a collaboration between the Future Leaders Network and UN CC:Learn that aims to equip youth negotiators with the knowledge and skills to navigate the often-complex multilateral climate negotiations. The CYNP is in its third edition and has trained over 230 youth from over 50 countries. To participate, countries appointed up to 4 young people to join the program and who are eligible to act as youth climate negotiators on their behalf.

The 2024 program will take young participants on a six-month learning journey that will culminate in in-person training at COP29 in November 2024. During this period, participants will participate in a comprehensive capacity-building and experience-sharing programme that will provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to negotiate on-site for their countries in the upcoming COP in Baku, Azerbaijan. The training will bring different experts to lecture the participants, exposing them to theory and real-life experiences on a range of climate-related issues.

UN CC:Learn is also extending its support to the inaugural Land Youth Negotiator Programme that aims to train youth delegates from around the world on the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and negotiations under the UNCCD in readiness for the upcoming COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in December 2024. The Land Youth Negotiator Programme also kicked off in June 2024 and will run parallel to the Climate Youth Negotiator Programme.

You can learn more about the 2022 and 2023 editions of the Climate Youth Negotiator Programme.

Last year's graduation ceremony during COP28.

Last year’s graduation ceremony during COP28.

This Advanced course builds upon the introductory course Introduction to Sustainable Development in Practice.  It teaches learners HOW to apply in practice an integrated approach to sustainable development throughout the various stages of the policy and project cycle, including analysis, dialogue, planning, financing, communicating, monitoring, and evaluation. The course contains tools, tips, and methods for applying sustainable development in practice.


  • Education
  • Green Economy

Self-paced course

8 hours

Why take this course?

This Advanced Course takes an in-depth look at how to take an integrated approach to policy analysis, integrated planning, designing interventions, financing, communications, and monitoring and evaluation in the context of integrating poverty and environment issues more fully into development planning. The course explores a number of tools, tips and methods that can aid practitioners put in place interventions related to the environment, climate action, and poverty reduction, at the national and sub-national levels.

This course is based on Chapter 2 to Chapter 8 of the publication “Sustainable Development in Practice: A Handbook for Integrating Environment, Climate and Poverty Reduction” (Bass et al., 2023).

Learning Objectives

After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Examine and promote evidence-based approaches to poverty and environment issues
  • Set up effective sustainable development dialogue process with key stakeholders
  • Develop strategies for embedding poverty and environment issues into policy processes and plans
  • Demonstrate the integration of poverty and environment issues into public and private finance, including fiscal policy
  • Design an effective communication strategy supporting poverty and environment issues integration
  • Formulate approaches for effective monitoring & evaluation of poverty and environment actions
  • Discuss institutional change approaches to enabling integrated sustainable development

The course at a glance

  • 1. Analysing Poverty and Environment Issues: Module 1 deals with the first stage of the policy cycle i.e., analysis, and speaks to the various pathways, methods, and approaches for identifying and analysing the interlinkages between poverty and environment issues
  • 2. Engagement and Dialogue: Module 2 looks at the processes of engagement and dialogue, as an important step in shaping an integrated approach to address interlinked environment and poverty issues that works for stakeholders.
  • 3. Integration into Planning Processes: Module 3 deals with the important issue of mainstreaming and integrating poverty and environment objectives into the planning processes in a country.
  • 4. Financing Sustainable Development in Practice: Module 4 delves into the issue of financing an integrated approach, by looking at integrating poverty and environment objectives into national budgets and public and private investment.
  • 5. Communications on Poverty and the Environment: Module 5 looks into the important issue of communication and how poverty and environment issues can be better framed to effectively reach different stakeholders.
  • 6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Module 6 provides guidance on how monitoring and evaluation can help track the integration of poverty and environmental issues across the policy cycle.
  • 7. Building Integrated Transformative Institutions: Module 7 equips learners with the knowledge of how robust institutions can help integrate poverty and environment issues.

Get your Certificate

After completing the course, you will get a certificate of completion. Once you complete all videos, lessons, and activities in each module, you will need to complete the final quiz at the end of the course before the certificate becomes automatically available for download.

You can keep track of your progress and download your certificate under the “Certification” tab on the main course page.

Partners and contributors

This course is a collaboration between UN CC:Learn and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development (PEA).

If you liked this course and other trainings on the platform, why not making a donation? Every little bit helps to improve the platform, add more courses, and reach new learners! Thank you!

“Net Zero 101: What, Why and How” is a free and self-paced e-learning course that provides a foundational understanding of climate change, the science behind it, and its impacts, while showcasing actionable steps one can take as a responsible citizen to contribute to climate action and achieve a net-zero society.

  • Education
  • Science

Self-paced course

1,5 hours


Have you ever heard about “net zero”? From governments to companies, net zero has often been mentioned as an important climate goal. But what does this concept really mean?

Understanding net zero requires understanding many climate science terminologies, and this course breaks down the science in easy-to-understand terms. Throughout the course you will be provided with practical tips to contribute to climate action. By the end you will gain a solid foundation in the science behind climate change and net zero.

What will you learn?

After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Define what anthropogenic climate change is and link it with the concept of net zero.
  • Identify UN organizations, key milestones and international treaties relevant to climate action.
  • Analyze the environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change. Explain the importance of a whole-of-society approach and the roles of different actors in achieving net zero.
  • Describe the importance of contextualized measures to achieve net zero and determine sustainable and practical ways to reduce one’s carbon footprint.
  • Select the most effective and viable renewable energy solutions considering their cost-effectiveness and sustainability given different contexts.

Course at a glance

This self-paced course consists of three easy-to-follow short modules, comprising an online lesson and a quiz. Each module takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on how in-depth learners explore them.

Module 1: What is Net Zero?
Module 2: Why Net Zero? 
Module 3: How to Net Zero?

Who is this course for?

This e-course caters to anyone who wishes to develop a foundational level of understanding on the basic sciences behind climate change, its environmental, social and economic impacts, and actions we can take as responsible citizens to achieve a net-zero society. You do not need a technical background in climate science to complete the course. The course is conducted in English only.


You will receive a certificate of completion from UNU-IAS once all of the following conditions have been met:

  • Complete the three online lessons; and
  • Score at least 75% on the quiz of each module.

Discover how UN CC Learn’s free and self-paced online courses are contributing to climate literacy and driving global climate action. The 2023 Impact Survey reveals that learners are not only applying their new knowledge but also making significant changes in their personal and professional lives. Read on to explore the detailed findings and learn how education is empowering individuals to combat climate change.

Education is one of the most powerful drivers of positive social and environmental change. Since 2014, UN CC:Learn has contributed to climate change education globally by providing free and self-paced online courses on climate change to over 880,000 learners.

The +100 e-courses in up to 17 languages available on the e-learning platform strive to provide individuals and communities with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively understand and respond to climate change.

But are UN CC:Learn courses actually contributing to positive and long-lasting behavioral change in its learners?

To answer this and other questions, UN CC:Learn prepared the 2023 Impact Survey. The Impact Survey is conducted on an annual basis and follows an approach based on the Kirkpatrick Level 3 evaluation model intended to assess the degree to which beneficiaries apply the skills and knowledge learned through the e-courses at their workplace. The survey also intends to understand how these new skills have supported UN CC:Learn alumni to adopt climate-friendly decisions and take action on climate change.

The 2023 Impact Survey was sent to a random sample of 495 participants who received a certificate of completion after taking an e-course on the UN CC:Learn e-learning platform. The sample enabled results with a 95% confidence level and 5% error range. The survey was available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese and the results were reported anonymously and in an aggregated format.

Here are some of the key findings.

Learners are applying the knowledge they have acquired from a UN CC:Learn e-course

82% of respondents have applied, used, or transferred the knowledge and skills acquired from a UN CC:Learn course.

In addition, 92% of respondents from countries in special situations said they have applied used, or transferred the knowledge and skills learned from UN CC:Learn.

Graphs showing results of the impact survey as described in the article.

Learners are taking climate change action after completing a UN CC:Learn e-course

96% of respondents said the UN CC:Learn course has given them the necessary skills and knowledge to take climate action.

In addition, 60% said they have become more efficient in the way they use water or energy, 55% said they have recycled more of their waste at home and at work, and 54% said they have supported climate actions in their communities.

Learners have changed their consumption patterns after completing a UN CC:Learn e-course

98% of female and 97% of male respondents have made important changes in their lives and routines in relation to climate change.

In addition, 99% of respondents from countries in special situations have said they have made important changes in their life and routine upon completing a course.

The acquisition of new skills and knowledge has led to important improvements for beneficiaries.

75% feel more knowledgeable about climate change, 58% said they gained skills they can apply in their careers, and 8% said they received a pay rise after completing a UN CC:Learn course.

Read the full survey here.

UN CC:e-Learn marks an important milestone with 400,000 certificates awarded globally, showcasing the programme’s commitment to climate education.


Read on to find out more about this important achievement.

Last week, the UN CC:e-Learn platform reached the important milestone of 400,000 certificates of completion issued to learners from all over the world.

This achievement would not have been possible without the full support of people globally who have continually believed in the UN CC:Learn mission and are committed to building a better and more sustainable future by building their capacities on climate change, green economy, and circular economy.

UN CC:Learn offers a range of courses within these three key topics catering to everyone, from people without any prior knowledge of these topics to experts working on these issues day-to-day. The relevance and diversity of the content proposed, which builds on the most up-to-date knowledge in each area, combined with an engaging user experience, contribute to the success of the free, self-paced, online courses offered by UN CC:Learn. 

Screenshot of the main page.

Multilingualism, tailoring, and accessibility are cornerstones of UN CC:Learn work. The e-learning platform is currently available in Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian , and Spanish, and users who register on UN CC:e-Learn currently have an array of 120 courses to choose from, many of which are offered in two or more languages. This enhances user experience by allowing them to complete the courses in their native language. The flagship “Climate Change: From Learning to Action” e-course, for instance, can be done in English, Spanish, French, Russian, and Chinese.

UN CC:Learn resources also offer region-specific content, for instance through the “Circular Economy in South Africa” e-course, and can be accessed by individuals with impairments and on different supports.

Moreover, as part of UN CC:Learn’s alumni network, the alumni are invited to participate in events, such as the Fireside Chats, and challenges, like the 2024 UN CC:Learn Champions, which provide a platform for them to learn more about course topics and inspire others.

Moving forward, UN CC:Learn will keep increasing and improving its course catalogue while exploring other ways of promoting climate literacy. 

More than 75,000 students from worldwide have enrolled in the e-course Climate Change: From Learning to Action. Now, this course has been translated into a fifth language, Chinese, and was launched in celebration of the UN Chinese Language Day. Check out what will you learn in this course.

It gives us a comprehensive insight into the overall process of climate change and how we can collectively make a difference. – learner’s testimonial

More than 20,000 students worldwide have already completed our Climate Change: From Learning to Action e-course. This e-course aims to demystify key concepts about climate change such as mitigation, adaptation, and low-carbon emissions, as well as address the social, economic, and financial aspects that are essential for implementing climate change projects. In addition to the theoretical part, the e-course also encourages its students to share their perceptions of climate change in their countries and develop a concrete action plan or project to tackle climate change. The estimated 8-hour e-course is divided into six modules and includes interactive lessons, interviews with experts in the field, extra activities, and formative exercises. At the end of the course, the student must complete the final test to receive the certificate of completion.

The interviews with each facilitator were most insightful to me. Their personal stories added a realistic touch to the whole concept of Climate Change. They are inspiring and made it clearer to me that you can come from any professional path and still be a climate champion. – learner’s testimonial

The e-course is free of charge and is available in five languages, the most recent being Chinese. It was launched in celebration of the official Chinese language day celebrated by the United Nations on Saturday, April 20, 2024. The e-course in Chinese is made available through collaboration with Tongji University and the Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD). Our sincere thanks for this partnership, without which the Chinese course would not have been possible.

To register for the course, simply click on the button below and register. If you’re not already a UN CC:Learn student, you should register on the platform first.

If you know a friend or colleague who might be interested in this course, please recommend it!

“I have been impressed by the information and specific and/or real data presented in this course. I have been able to understand how some countries effectively adapt to the phenomena of climate change, social activism, business commitment, and other aspects. I have been impressed by the quality of professionalism and climate commitment of each instructor.” – learner’s testimonial

Liberia took an important step towards ramping up climate change education. The country organized an inception workshop, which brought together key partners, such as UN CC:Learn, to kickstart the development of the country’s National Climate Change Learning Strategy.

Read on to find out more.

April 12, 2024 – Monrovia, Liberia: On April 11th, key players from various sectors gathered at the Cape Hotel in Monrovia for a significant inception workshop, marking the commencement of developing Liberia’s Climate Change Learning Strategy. This foundational meeting also included a comprehensive review of the Background report and stakeholder analysis, essential in crafting a robust climate change learning framework.

The workshop brought together an eclectic mix of stakeholders, including delegates from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA), Ministry of Education, the Forestry Development Authority, and civil society organizations, government ministries and development partners. Notably, Hon. Sam P. Jallah, Representative for District #3, Bomi County, was among the legislative attendees, underscoring the political support for climate education.

Participants engaged in a discussion during the workshop.

Participants engaged in a discussion during the workshop.

In a series of high-level remarks, the Deputy Executive Director of the EPA, representatives from the British Embassy, LIPA, the Ministry of Education, the University of Liberia, and UN CC:Learn highlighted the urgency and importance of developing a cohesive learning strategy on climate change.

Teddy P. Taylor, the ACE National Focal point, delineated the meeting’s objectives and the anticipated outcomes, setting a clear direction for the proceedings. Lisa Maina of UN CC: Learn contributed insights with her presentation on the international context of climate change learning and UN CC:Learn’s support to countries to advance climate education, training and public awareness.

A key presentation by Dr. Emmanuel T. Olatunji, the National Coordinator of Strategy Development, outlined the proposed methodology to guide the strategy’s formulation. Christopher Kabah, the lead consultant on the assessments, also provided a detailed overview of the background reports and stakeholder analysis.

Presentation during the workshop.

Presentation during the workshop.

Dr. Emmanuel Tachie-Obeng, Ghana’s ACE Focal Point and a UN CC:Learn  Ambassador, shared Ghana’s experiences in implementing a climate change learning strategy, offering valuable lessons and inspiration for the Liberian context.

The workshop culminated in proactive group sessions, where participants deliberated and identified national priorities, a vision, and objectives. These will act as the cornerstone for subsequent needs assessments, vital for informing the development of a tailored climate change learning strategy for Liberia.

This meeting represents a significant step in Liberia’s journey toward integrating climate change education into its national fabric, aiming to empower citizens with knowledge and skills to tackle the pressing challenges of our time.

A new indicator developed by UN CC:Learn and the MECCE Project is providing insights into how UN CC:Learn is promoting online climate change learning among adults worldwide.


Read on to find out more.

UN CC:Learn and the Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project (MECCE) are shedding light on the state of online climate change learning among adults worldwide.

Building on a collaboration that was established in 2022, UN CC:Learn and the MECCE Project, an international research initiative bringing together over 100 leading scholars and agencies hosted by the University of Saskatchewan, have developed a new global indicator that gives a proxy measure of the engagement of adults in online learning about climate change.

This new indicator is available on the MECCE Project data platform and can be combined with other indicators there to analyze how the completion of UN CC:Learn courses is contributing to advancing climate learning worldwide.

The MECCE Project used the number of UN CC:Learn courses completed from 2020 to 2023 by type of course and country, as well as external data such as the number of adults with internet connection by country, to come up with a five-level indicator, with 1 being the lowest and 5 highest.

The indicator has demonstrated that UN CC:Learn courses have comprehensive global coverage (77%) and that, over the years, online climate change learning through the completion of UN CC:Learn courses among adults has ramped up in more countries, especially developing ones. These countries are ranking higher on the indicator’s scale. In 2023, for instance, 70 countries were at level three in comparison with 56 in 2022. Similarly, now 11 countries are at level four and 4 at level five, in comparison with 5 and 1, respectively, a year before.

In addition to the indicators, the MECCE Project provides insights into the state of climate change education in countries through 80 country profiles. Several UN CC:Learn Partner countries are featured there and users can explore a comprehensive overview of the country’s climate change strategies and policies over the years, divided into several key sections.

Moving forward, UN CC:Learn and the MECCE project will keep collaborating to see how the indicator evolves in the future.

Masters Students from College of Europe during the presentation at Palais des Nations.

On 4th March 2024, the Green Development and Climate Change Programme Unit was invited to present UN CC:Learn and PAGE to master’s students from the College of Europe, as part of a two-day field visit to International Geneva.


Read on to find out more.

Why is education and training important for climate action and climate policy?

That’s what the Green Development and Climate Change Programme Unit (GCP) set out to answer during a field trip of master students from the College of Europe’s EU International Relations and Diplomacy programme.

The students came from Brugge, Belgium, on March 4th 2024 to visit International Geneva and learn more about the work of various international organizations and the coordination between the European Union member states in the context of multilateral diplomacy. They took part in a two-day programme at Palais des Nations, where they visited the European Headquarters of the United Nations, and attended presentations by DiploFoundation, IPCC, UNHCR, WHO, and UNITAR.

On behalf of UNITAR’s GCP, Mr. Lucas Terra and Mr. Abhinandan Banarjee walked the students through two of GCP’s main projects: UN CC:Learn and the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).

Mr. Terra introduced UN CC:Learn and spoke about the different activities being carried out by the programme, notably the e-learning platform (UN CC:e-Learn), and the country projects. He highlighted the role education and training have in driving action on climate change, and how UN CC:Learn’s in-country and global initiatives play an important part in this agenda. Mr. Terra showcased UN CC:Learn’s some of UN CC:Learn’s main achievements to date, such as the development of 13 National Climate Change Learning Strategies and the issuance of over 380,000 certificates of completion.

Mr. Terra and Mr. Banarjee presenting UN CC:Learn and PAGE to the students from College of Europe. Photo Credit: College of Europe.

Mr. Terra and Mr. Banarjee presenting UN CC:Learn and PAGE to the students from College of Europe. Photo Credit: College of Europe.

Mr.Banerjee introduced the students to the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, and how it brings together the expertise of 5 specialised UN Agencies, including UNITAR, to foster a holistic transition to an Inclusive Green Economy in several countries across the world. He discussed, some of the capacity-building initiatives that UNITAR spearheaded as part of PAGE, both globally, and in specific partner countries, and highlighted how multiple agencies, with different strengths can effectively collaborate to achieve tangible outcomes on the ground.

To conclude their presentation, they showcased the stories of two GCP beneficiaries who are making a difference in their communities: Ms. Asha Alexander and Mr. Mamunur Rahman. Ms. Alexander is a school principal in Dubai, UAE, who completed UN CC:Learn courses. She’s encouraging thousands of students and teachers to follow in her footsteps and complete at least six UN CC:Learn courses. Mr. Rahman took part in a PAGE training that inspired him to become a social entrepreneur in Bangladesh. He founded Ella Pad and now supports thousands of factory-working women by providing sanitary pads and protective masks made from garment scrap from the factories.

To wrap up the session, both Mr. Terra and Mr. Banarjee took questions from the audience. The students were keen to better understand the development process of courses, particularly how their content is prioritized, developed, and vetted. They were also keen to understand how PAGE and UN CC:Learn engage with governments in the area of training and capacity development.

College of Europe students at the Palais des Nations. Photo Credit: College of Europe

College of Europe students at the Palais des Nations. Photo Credit: College of Europe

Photo: UN Climate Change - Kiara Worth

UN CC:Learn advanced the climate change education agenda and took part in a series of events at COP28.


Read on to find out more.

From 30 November to 12 December 2023, UN CC:Learn engaged in a series of activities at and during the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Beyond the flagship Climate Classroom @ COP28 initiative, UN CC:Learn organized and contributed to a series of events that highlighted the importance of climate change education, training and public awareness.

Regional Declaration for Increased Financing Climate Change Education

In a dedicated session titled “Financing Climate Change Education: Challenges and Successes,” held on 4 December 2023, UN CC:Learn addressed the pivotal issue of financing initiatives aimed at strengthening climate change education, notably in West Africa.

The discussion was attended by high-level representatives and emphasized the importance of sustained financial support for climate change education to effect meaningful change. The opening panel drew on the expertise of UN CC:Learn and its partner countries in mobilizing resources for the implementation of their National Climate Change Learning Strategies.

The event continued with the presentation and launch of the “Regional Declaration on Strengthening Climate Change Education in West Africa that was signed on stage by the Ministers of Environments of Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Senegal, and Togo.

A press conference after the event allowed the countries that led the development of this Regional Declaration to further highlight it and present it to the media.

In addition, The UNITAR Senior Advisor for West Africa also presented the Declaration during a Greening Education Partnership (GEP) concurrent session on Financing greening education, which was held on 8 December 2023, during a panel discussion on strengthening the global landscape on financing climate change and education.

M. Roger Baro, Minister of Environment of Burkina Faso, holding the Declaration.

M. Roger Baro, Minister of Environment of Burkina Faso, holding the Declaration.

Promoting Climate Literacy through the Postal Network

UN CC:Learn is very grateful to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) for the invitation to contribute to their event “Delivery for the future: The postal network as infrastructure for lifelong climate education”, also held on 4 December. This workshop, opened and animated by representatives from both institutions as well as the Emirates Post provided an opportunity to delve into and discuss with the public the potential of postal services as platforms for climate education, with a particular focus on the support to reaching the most remote and vulnerable communities.

Mr. Angus Mackay, Director, Division for Planet, UNITAR, and Head of the UN CC:Learn Secretariat at the “Delivery for the future: The postal network as infrastructure for lifelong climate education’’ event.

Mr. Angus Mackay, Director, Division for Planet, UNITAR, and Head of the UN CC:Learn Secretariat at the “Delivery for the future: The Postal Network as infrastructure for Lifelong Climate Education’’ event.

Learning for a Just Low Carbon Transition

Organized by the Fondation Mohammed VI pour la protection de l’environnement, the side event “Mécanismes d’accompagnement pour une transition bas carbone juste” was held on 5 December 2023. Invited to participate in the rich panel discussion, a UN CC:Learn Secretariat representative highlighted the importance of building the right knowledge and skills to support this transition and presented a set of relevant learning interventions facilitated under the UN CC:Learn programme, ranging from the development of national climate change learning strategies in support of NDC implementation to the wide range of online resources available, with a particular attention to the entry points for leaving no one behind. The presentation also provided an opportunity to focus on the inspiring experience of Morocco, which has held multiple learning events on green economy under the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE).

Education for Climate Change in Senegal

In parallel, the UNITAR Senior Advisor for West Africa and coordinator of the UN CC:Learn work in the region had the opportunity to share the UN CC:Learn experience in strengthening education, training and public awareness across 13 countries of the Sahel through the dedicated regional hub during an event organized by the Government of Senegal. Lunched in 2018, this hub, which includes Senegal as a very active member, has been providing training and experience sharing opportunities for the national ACE focal points of the target countries, as well as other relevant stakeholders (e.g. journalists), as well as promoting the development of e-learning and broad communication on climate change. A key recent result of the hub has been the launch of the Regional Declaration on Strengthening Climate Change Education in West Africa, which calls for increased support for this agenda, and was signed the previous day by the Minister of Environment of Senegal, among other 4 Ministers. Senegal has also built capacities through its involvement in the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, whose national training component was also supported by the UNITAR Senior Advisor for West Africa.

Strengthening Collaboration with the GEMS Legacy School

Asha Alexander, the Principal of the GEMS Legacy School in Dubai and a UN CC:Learn Ambassador for Climate Change Learning, has been actively promoting the integration of climate change topics into the teaching in its school, which has over 600 students. Over the years, Ms. Asha Alexander has encouraged over 30,000 people, including school students and staff, to follow UN CC:Learn courses. The GEMS Legacy School organized its Climate Change Conference 2023 on the occasion of COP28 in Dubai, bringing together national and international participants. The event was opened by keynote speech delivered by the Head of the UN CC:Learn Secretariat, who emphasized how the role that education plays in empowering climate actors and leaders through the examples of UN CC:Learn alumni and champions.

Promoting Education for Sustainable Development in West Africa

On 6 December 2023, a UNESCO/UN CC:Learn panel discussion focused on  “Bâtir des synergies fortes: Travailler ensemble pour promouvoir et développer l’éducation au développement durable (EDD) en Afrique de l’Ouest’’ (Building strong synergies: Working together to promote and develop Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in West Africa) provided an overview of the multiple initiatives promoting the development of knowledge and skills to address climate change and advance sustainable development in West Africa. The panelists introduced the interventions supported by UNESCO and by UN CC:Learn. Representatives fromCabo Verde, Mali, and Senegal, highlighted challenges and successes, best practices, and future perspectives in implementing national sustainable development education initiatives by 2030. The event highlighted entry points for synergies and connections to further strengthen action in this area.

Empowering Youth Leadership

On the day dedicated to youth and to education (8 December 2023), the event “Enabling Youth Climate Action Leadership through Innovative Learning” explored effective learning strategies to empower youth to take leadership roles in climate action. UN CC:Learn collaborated with Monash University to organize a panel discussion featuring the two institutions as well as 4 young people – including 2 negotiators from Burundi and Mongolia, a YOUNGO representative, and a youth activist and entrepreneur –  to discuss good practices, identify remaining gaps and brainstorm ideas that would serve as actionable takeaways for learning institutions.

Sharing the Experience of Ghana

COP28 provided an excellent opportunity for the Government of Ghana to showcase their long-standing investment in climate change education. The side event on the “Integration of Climate Change into School Curricula – Ghana’s Experience,”. At this event, the national ACE focal point and UN CC:Learn Ambassador for climate change learning, the Director of the Ghana Education System, a youth representative and a teacher from Ghana shared the work they have been undertaking to advance the integration of climate change topics across specific subjects, teacher training, the development of teaching materials, youth engagement and public awareness. A UN CC:Learn Secretariat representative highlighted the engagement under this initiative since 2014, which led to the development of the National Climate Change and Green Economy Learning Strategy, launched in 2016, and its ongoing implementation.

UN CC:Learn’s engagement at COP28, through these events, bilateral meetings, the Climate Classroom as well as other engagements, underscore the organization’s commitment to advancing climate literacy and fostering meaningful dialogue on global climate action.

The UN CC:Learn team and partners at the “Integration of Climate Change into School Curricula – Ghana’s Experience’’ event.

The UN CC:Learn team and partners at the “Integration of Climate Change into School Curricula – Ghana’s Experience’’ event.