This activity report contains main results from the Second FAO Workshop on statistic for greenhouse gas emissions, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 03-04 June 2013. The objectives of the workshop were to raise awareness of the importance and link of agricultural statistics for preparing national GHG inventories and mitigation plans to long-term agricultural productivity, food security and environmental sustainability. Additional objectives included the establishment of improved communication as an exchange of relevant knowledge among participants, and the identification of opportunities to improve national data systems. Participants identified the coordination of actions as essential in order to face challenges in meeting commitments under the United Nations Conventions on Climate Change. A regional approach was proposed for learning processes and technical support to enable countries to identify opportunities for common development, considering as priority also the exchange of experiences and the creation of a communication network.
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Organization: FAO
Topics: Agriculture and Food, Environment, Science, Mitigation, Capacity Development
Type of material: Activity Report
Publication date: 2013
Language: English