Kenya’s NDC, which was submitted to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), includes mitigation and adaptation actions. Kenya seeks to transform to a low-carbon society and reduce its GHG emissions far beyond the 30 percent by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq outlined in the NDC.

The NDC financing strategy is guided by the National Policy on Climate Finance 2016 which was established, inter alia, to improve the ability to mobilize and effectively manage and track adequate and predictable climate change finance. The main objectives of this assignment were to prepare costing details for climate priority actions considering the funding available through government sources, assess funding gaps that require international and private sector support and identify opportunities to address those gaps.


Download file: English

Organization: UNDP

Topics: Environment, Finance, Forestry, Labour, Trade, Biodiversity, Economic Analysis, Ecosystems, Green Jobs/Economy, Mitigation, Science, Financial Mechanisms, Governance – General

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2020

Language: English