This analytical report identifies expected climate change risks for Trinidad and Tobago generally and by their potential impacts on six priority sectors, namely agriculture, human health, human settlements, coastal zones, water resources and energy. The study: calculates the economic impact of probable damages; identifies possible adaptation actions to reduce impacts and possible barriers to their implementation, and calculate their costs/benefits; and prioritizes adaptation measures. The prioritization was carried out through weighted scoring taking into account: the ability of the measure to decrease climate change impacts; the urgency for implementing a measure in order to gain maximum benefit; “no regret” strategies that can be justified in economic terms even without climate change; positive secondary effects; and possible climate change mitigation co-benefits.
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Organization: IDB, Factor CO2, IH Cantabria, University of the West Indies
Topics: Agriculture and Food, Land Use Management, Forestry, Environment, Adaptation, Risk Reduction/Management, Ecosystems
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2014
Language: English