This manual consists of an adaptation coalition toolkit developed to empower people by creating more inclusive, cohesive, and accountable societies in the face of climate change. The framework for this toolkit was developed from testing its implementation over a two-year period in 24 Latin American case study communities in five countries. The purpose of this toolkit is to guide facilitating groups or teams of development practitioners in pursuing participatory collaboration with communities to research and implement adaptation coalitions. This is done to assist the locality in adapting to the local manifestations of climate change. Using the Adaptation Coalition Framework (ACF) as an adaptation tool strategically links the multiple resources of market, state and civil society at various levels to best facilitate the adaptation of vulnerable communities to climate change.
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Organization: WB
Topics: Adaptation, Governance – Territorial and Local, Public Participation, Capacity Development
Type of material: Guidance Document
Publication date: 2011
Language: English