This activity report on the Water Partnership Programme (WPP) presents the results per region of the programme, namely: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Europe and Central Asia; Latin America and Caribbean; Middle East and North Africa and South Asia. Among key contributions of the WPP in Africa, it cites improvements of data and analysis needed to promote the use of multi-purpose infrastructure to control floods, and provide food and energy to more people. In East Asia and the Pacific, countries were assisted in the integration of adaptation into projects to mitigate disaster risks from floods and droughts. In Europe and Central Asia, the WPP helped with the definition of sub-regional strategies for irrigation investments improving the region’s capacity to become a key global supplier of grain, fiber, vegetables and fruits.
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Organization: WB, Water Partnership Program
Topics: Agriculture and Food, Energy, Water, Adaptation, Risk Reduction/Management
Type of material: Activity Report
Publication date: 2013
Language: English