This overview sets out recommendations, based on the present study, to strengthen implementation of refugee law-based international protection when cross-border movements occur in the context of nexus dynamics. It does so by examining four case studies, which concern:
– Kenya and Ethiopia’s responses, primarily during 2011–2012, to the cross-border movement of Somalis in the context of drought, food insecurity and famine, when conflict and violence also prevailed in southern and central Somalia; and
– Brazil and Mexico’s responses, primarily during 2010–2012, to the cross-border movement of Haitians in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, when insecurity, violence and human rights violations also prevailed in Haiti.
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Organization: UNHCR
Theme: Other
Topics: Environment, Migration and Refugees, COP25 List of UN Publications
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2018
Language: English