Because of this heightened vulnerability [as further detailed in Chapters 1 and 2 of this report], development of climate change adaptation strategies and policies are of paramount importance to Jamaica at this time in its planning framework. No longer can Jamaica, or any of the other Caribbean SIDS, afford to ignore the looming impacts of climate change on their respective nations.
An examination of the cost of the impacts of climate change on Jamaica was examined in Chapter 2 of the report. The analysis revealed that the current cumulative loss of GDP due to damage associated with natural disasters was estimated to be in the order of $120 billion (roughly 7% of GDP). This is a significant number, which is even more grave given the already slow growth and fragility of Jamaica’s economy. When this is coupled with potential climate change-induced impacts, such as an increase in the number of extreme hurricanes, the figure is even more worrisome as it is likely to rise. Estimates indicate that it could reach as high as 56 per cent of GDP by 2025 if climate predictions are accurate.
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Organization: UNCTAD
Theme: Other
Topics: Transport, COP25 List of UN Publications
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2018
Language: English