This analytical report demonstrates the possibility of harmonizing agricultural production with the wellbeing of the biosphere. The different chapters capitalize on assessments and experiences such as: lessons learned from Asia’s Green Revolution on agricultural communities; trends in African agricultural knowledge, science and technology; trade policy impacts on food production; conditions for success of water interventions for the African rural poor; and climate change implications for agriculture and food systems. Case studies share the practical experiences, lessons and successes from across Africa, demonstrating that it is possible to produce food sufficiently and at the same time, care for the biosphere. The work presented in this volume stems from a Conference on Ecological Agriculture held in Ethiopia in 2008. 

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Organization: FAO, Institute for Sustainable Development, Third World Network

Topics: Agriculture and Food, Economic and Development Planning, Water, Adaptation, Mitigation, Technology, Policy Instruments

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2011

Language: English