This technical document offers a summary of the most important financing and support opportunities available to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in Africa and other under-represented regions. It highlights the Nairobi Framework, which was established to achieve a more equitable regional distribution of CDM projects and ensure that less developed regions can enjoy the benefits of the CDM. It then outlines some of the support programmes available for CDM projects in Africa, including: the UNFCCC loan scheme for countries with fewer than ten registered projects; the Africa Carbon Asset Development initiative; the Carbon Fund for Africa; the African Biofuels and Renewable Energy Fund; the UN Development Programme (UNDP)’s Millennium Development Goals Carbon Facility; various World Bank carbon funds and initiatives; and various national programmes for the purchase of Certified Emission Reductions, such as Germany’s KfW Carbon Fund.
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Organization: UNFCCC
Topics: Finance, Mitigation, Carbon Financing and CDM
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2012
Language: English