This analytical document aims at understanding the economic costs and benefits of climate change at the micro and sectoral levels in Mongolia. Detailed data capture show the potential vulnerabilities these households face but are also used to propose a more optimal adaptation strategy.
The report is structured as follows. The first three chapters provide a brief description of Mongolia, presenting the geography of the country and the agro-ecological zones with a focus on potential vulnerabilities and gains as a result of climate change. Chapter ‘The role of agriculture and the situation analysis of the sector’ provides summary statistics and information on the data that were collected specifically for the study on the vulnerability of livestock to climate change in Mongolia. In chapter ‘Empirical Results’, the econometric model used to evaluate the impact of climate change on agriculture is presented, including initial results that are likely to influence adaptation among livestock herders. Finally, the last chapter presents policy recommendations to policymakers and conclusions.
Download file: English
Organization: UNDP, USAID
Theme: Adaptation
Topics: Agriculture and Food, Economic and Development Planning, Land Use Management, Adaptation, Mitigation, Risk Reduction/Management, Governance – Territorial and Local
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2017
Language: English