This technical document stresses that an important challenge for Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) is to increase agriculture production to meet growing global demand for food, fiber and energy without proportionally increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, it notices that, while progress has been made in measuring the site-specific and activity-specific GHG emissions associated with an array of land clearing and agricultural activities, there are important gaps in knowledge that need to be filled before informed policy action can proceed. In order to provide a contribution, the study uses the IMPACT model to examine agriculture-GHG emissions links and the effects of policy and other changes on these links. It concludes reporting the results of the baseline and policy scenarios associated with the model and discussing their policy implications.
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Organization: IDB
Topics: Agriculture and Food, Science, Mitigation, Economic Analysis, Policy Instruments
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2011
Language: English