This analytical report focuses on farmers in West and Central Africa and their potential to increase production and lead the way to robust growth and development needed in Africa. It recognises that his cannot be achieved without improving the management of available water resources in the region. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), through its West and Central Africa Division (WCA), invested in supporting farmers and farmers’ organizations to achieve household food security and respond to growing market demand through activities that strengthen their ability to manage risk and increase returns. This document is part of wider efforts within the division to capitalize on the experience and knowledge among the IFAD staff, and to improve the ways in which they share knowledge and use it to enhance future project design, direction and strategy.

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Organization: IFAD

Topics: Agriculture and Food, Land Use Management, Water, Environment, Adaptation, Risk Reduction/Management, Capacity Development

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2012

Language: English