This technical document provides a brief overview of available funding and technical support opportunities for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in Africa. Further to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) initiatives, it introduces the relevant World Bank initiatives, the African Development Bank’s (AfDB) African Carbon Support Programme (ACSP), the Africa Carbon Asset Development Initiative (ACAD), the Intra-ACP Climate Support Facility (CSF), the African Biofuels and Renewable Energy Fund (ABREF), the UN Development Programme (UNDP)’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Carbon, and Germany’s Programme of Activities (POA) Support Facilities. The introduction of these initiatives also highlights some measures and available facilities for assisting African countries to further develop their capacities in preparing for climate change mitigation and related projects.
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Organization: UNFCCC
Topics: Finance, Policy Instruments, Financial Mechanisms, Carbon Financing and CDM
Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document
Publication date: 2013
Language: English