Summary Report on the Workshop on Pre-2020 Ambition: Urbanization and the Role of Governments in Facilitating Climate Action in Cities

This activity report presents the results of a workshop on urbanization addressed practical, results-oriented approaches to increasing pre-2020 ambition through addressing sectors with high mitigation potential, including sustainable transport and building sector policies. More specifically, the workshop focused on the government’s role in incentivizing action in cities, including by highlighting the leadership role taken by cities in both developed and developing countries, and private sector and civil society efforts to support local governments and cities.

Download file: ENG

Organization: UNFCCC

Topic: Transport, Urban, Mitigation, International Law and Policy

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2014

Language: English

Making the Most of Public Finance for Climate Action

This analytical report illustrates how public finance can catalyze climate action by 1) piloting innovative ways to leverage both climate and development finance; 2) exploring new opportunities to expand the scope for market mechanisms; and 3) strengthening the capacity to facilitate access to resources and their effective use. The arguments are supported by a range of case studies.

Download file: ENG

Organization: WB

Topic: Finance, Policy Instruments, Financial Mechanisms, Carbon Financing and CDM

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2010

Language: English

Breaking Silos, Building Resilience: Listening to Women-Focused Organisations for Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction

The report provides recommendations and key messages from women focused organisations (WFOs) to establish gender-responsive and inclusive measures which utilize women’s knowledge, skills, and capacities.

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Organization: UN Women, UN Environment, UNDRR

Theme: Gender

Topic: Environment, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Gender

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2021

Language: English

Mapping Study of Capacity-building Needs and Gaps of SME to Engage on Climate Action in the MENA Region

The Capacity-building sub-division of the Means of Implementation Division together with the respective UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres and the support of regional and international partners (such as the International Development Research Centre of Canada) have conducted mapping studies in three regions, in order to identify knowledge gaps and capacity-building needs to enable the private sector, and in particular Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to engage effectively in climate action and accelerate implementation of the Paris Agreement.

These studies were conducted in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA), in the Southeast Asia (SEA), and in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions and have also examined the potential role that local/regional academic and research organizations can play to support capacity-building efforts benefiting SMEs.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNFCCC

Topic: Education, Training

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Capacity-building for Enhanced Private Sector Engagement in Climate Action in Eastern and Southern Africa

The Capacity-building sub-division of the Means of Implementation Division together with the respective UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres and the support of regional and international partners (such as the International Development Research Centre of Canada) have conducted mapping studies in three regions, in order to identify knowledge gaps and capacity-building needs to enable the private sector, and in particular Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to engage effectively in climate action and accelerate implementation of the Paris Agreement.

These studies were conducted in the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA), in the Southeast Asia (SEA), and in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regions and have also examined the potential role that local/regional academic and research organizations can play to support capacity-building efforts benefiting SMEs.

Download file: Report

Organization: UNFCCC

Topic: Education, Training

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Turning Digital Technology Innovation into Climate Action

This report takes a comprehensive approach by covering the social impacts of climate change and related ICT-based responses, in addition to those focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gas and carbon footprint impacts.

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Organization: ITU

Theme: Other

Topic: Agriculture and Food, Energy, Environment, Adaptation, Migration and Refugees, Mitigation, Technology, COP25 List of UN Publications

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2019

Language: English

How WFP is supporting global climate action

This policy defines how the organization can contribute to the prevention of climate-induced losses and damages in food systems, and to the reduction of vulnerabilities in food insecure populations.

Download file: English

Organization: WFP

Topic: Agriculture and Food, Environment, Mitigation, COP25 List of UN Publications

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2019

Language: English

Climate Action: Why It Matters

This infographic focuses on how transforming energy, industry, transport, food, agriculture and forestry systems ensure to limit global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees, maybe even 1.5. It highlights the need to anticipate, adapt and become resilient to the current and future impacts of climate change.

Download file: English

Organization: UN SDGs

Topic: Environment, Adaptation, Mitigation

Type of material: Audio-Visual Resource

Publication date: 2016

Language: English

Gender Equality in National Climate Action: Planning for Gender-Responsive Nationally Determined Contributions

This report provides an analysis of the status of gender equality in national climate policy in light of the Paris Agreement. It also presents a framework for integrating gender equality into Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) planning and implementation. This report analyses the degree to which the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted as of April 2016 have recognized and/or integrated gender equality.

Download file: English

Organization: UNDP, Global Gender and Climate Alliance, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Topic: Economic and Development Planning, Gender, Policy Instruments

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2016

Language: English

Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning Toolkit

This technical document offers a toolkit providing:

1. An explanation of “how to” carry out a city-level assessment;

2. A summary sheet of indicators;

3. A worksheet for calculating indicator values;

4. A sample Table of Contents of an assessment report.

Download file: English

Organization: UNHABITAT

Theme: Adaptation

Topic: COP22 List of UN Publications, Capacity Development

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2016

Language: English

Our Planet: Global Climate Action

This guidance document highlights the measures various governments and other stakeholders have taken towards a low-carbon economy. Emphasis is given on the need for accelerated progress towards this change. 

Download file: ENG

Organization: UNEP

Theme: Other

Topic: Environment, Adaptation, Mitigation, Carbon Financing and CDM, Governance – General

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2015

Language: English

Climate Action Now – A Summary for Policy Makers 2015

This guidance document focuses on examples of solutions from around the world that hold high potential for mitigating climate change and can be implemented in the pre-2020 period.

Download file: ENG

Organization: UNFCCC

Theme: Adaptation

Topic: Energy, Land Use Management, Transport, Adaptation, Mitigation, Governance – General

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2015

Language: English

Resource Productivity for Climate Action

This technical document presents Resource Efficent and Cleaner Production (RECP) and links it to climate change.

Download file: ENG

Organization: UNEP, SDC, UNIDO, SDC

Topic: Industry, Mitigation, Technology, COP22 List of UN Publications

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2010

Language: English

The Broadband Bridge: Linking ICT with Climate Action for a Low-Carbon Economy

This analytical report aims to show how broadband can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. It argues that to fulfill this potential a new policy framework is required. To illustrate this, the report showcases best government practices in mobilizing information and communication technologies (ICT) to reduce GHGs and build inclusive societies. This report proposes ten recommendations for policy makers with the aim to hasten and strengthen the ability of ICT and broadband to accelerate global progress towards the low-carbon economy.

Download file: ENG

Organization: ITU, UNESCO

Topic: Energy, Adaptation, Mitigation, Green Jobs/Economy, Technology, Policy Instruments, COP22 List of UN Publications

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2012

Language: English

Development and Climate Action: Reinforcing Synergies

This activity report presents how the World Bank supports countries to address development and climate change challenges. The approach includes a broad range of assistance through a combination of financial and other resources. In addition, the document briefly introduces possible future options and strategies.

Download file: ENG

Organization: WB

Topic: Economic and Development Planning, Finance

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2011

Language: English

Urban Climate Action – The Urban Content of the NDCs: Global Review 2022

The world is on track to reach a peak global temperature rise by 2100 that far exceeds the 1.5⁰C target needed to reduce the worst climate change impacts. Cities are particularly critical as they account for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions, consume 78% of the world’s energy and will comprise 68% of the global population by 2050. This report explores the linkage between national climate plans known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and urban issues.

Download file: Report

Organization: UN habitat

Topic: Economic and Development Planning, Urban, Population Dynamics

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2023

Language: English

Urban Content of NDCs: Local climate action explored through in-depth country analyses: 2024 Report

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement and are the main policy instruments used to indicate national contributions toward global efforts for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This report, jointly prepared by UNDP, UN-Habitat, and the University of Southern Denmark, with support from C40 Cities, analyzes urban content in the 194 NDCs as of June 2023.

Download file: Report

Organization: UN habitat

Theme: Cities

Topic: Urban, Mitigation, Adaptation

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2024

Language: English

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans: Natural Catalysts for Accelerating Action on Sustainable Development Goals

This technical document highlights the potential need for targeted support to countries to implement key thematic areas. This analysis will enable governments, and the organizations that support them, to focus their efforts on supporting those thematic areas that will have the most impact in accelerating progress in implementing NBSAP actions. Furthermore, because NBSAPs are adopted as policy instruments, they provide a ready pathway for fast implementation of national sustainable development goals.

Download file: English

Organization: UNDP, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Theme: Adaptation

Topic: Adaptation, Biodiversity, Policy Instruments

Type of material: Analytical-Technical Document

Publication date: 2016

Language: English

Education for Sustainable Development: Partners in Action – Global Action Programme (GAP) Key Partners’ Report (2015-2019)

GAP Key Partners reported their progress against five key indicators in three surveys sent to Partners by UNESCO over the course of the programme. Key Partners were also invited to rate the benefits of their participation in the GAP for their work and provide qualitative data concerning their implementation progress. 

Download file: English

Organization: UNESCO

Theme: Education, Youth

Topic: Education, Environment, Economic and Development Planning, Children

Type of material: Activity Report

Publication date: 2020

Language: English

Education Kit on Climate Change and Child Rights: How to Defend Child Rights Affected by Climate Change – A Teacher’s Guide for Exploration and Action with Children 11-16 Years Old

This manual consists of a teacher’s and/or facilitator’s guide for in-school and extracurricular exploration and action activities in industrialized countries on the issue of climate change and its impact on child rights. The goal of this toolkit is to help children and young people understand the links between climate change and child rights and make them realize that they can fight climate change, empowering them to become actors of change. More precisely, the activities included aim to enable children to: explain the issue of climate change and its impact on children and child rights; explain how reducing carbon emissions in industrialized countries can reduce climate change and its negative effects, and that they can contribute personally to achieving this; and develop skills to undertake action.

Download file: ENG

Organization: UNICEF

Topic: Education, Energy, Adaptation, Mitigation, Human Rights and Justice, Children, Capacity Development

Type of material: Guidance Document

Publication date: 2011

Language: English