The Expert

Therese Arnesen, Human Rights Officer, the UN Human Rights Office
Therese has been working on climate change and environmental issues with the UN Human Rights Office since 2019, and has worked for UN Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, since 2014. Prior to that, she worked for a number of civil society organizations on issues related to human rights, refugees, corruption
and environmental rights in Brazil, Italy, Norway and Switzerland.

The Class

Climate change is a human rights issue. The impacts of climate change can restrict or prevent the enjoyment of all human rights, for everyone, everywhere. At the same time, international human rights law requires States and businesses to limit the adverse human rights impacts of climate change – including by limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and providing means for people to adapt to climate change impacts.

This class will therefore explore the increasingly important nexus between climate change and human rights. It will provide participants with an introduction to the human rights impacts of climate change, the evolution of climate change and human rights discussions within the UN system, and what a human rights-based approach to climate action entails.

The Details

Friday, 05 November 2021 – 10 a.m. GMT – Register here.

With Therese Arnesen.

Resources for Additional Learning

OHCHR Frequently Asked Questions on Human Rights and Climate Change 

OHCHR Key messages and Briefing notes on human rights, climate change and the environment

An Introduction to Climate Change and Human Rights – a joint course by OHCHR, UNFCCC, PCCB and UNITAR