Name: Diosa Marie Aguila-Aguirre
Country: Philippines
Gender: Female
Age: 30 – 35 years old
Courses completed: Climate Change: From Learning to Action
Story ID: 348
I’m an educator from the Philippines, and I took the course Climate Change: From Learning to Action for a completion of membership application for ClimatEducate Project, a non-profit organization. The course was handled uniquely; I took a lot of online courses but this is different in terms of interactivity and content. Due to this course, I have been more confident in taking speaking engagements regarding climate change. I have known how to navigate the topic from talking with academic professionals to grade 9 students.
As of now, I have talked about climate change to more or less 200 participants. It has also pushed me to work on volunteering activities regarding tree planting. I proposed and headed 6 tree planting and mulching activities around my province, Batangas. These activities were teamed with a webinar on how to properly do the tree planting and mulching, and how these affect climate change. I learned in the aforementioned course that it takes a village to have an impact in solving climate change. That’s why I try to influence my community in taking care of what we have and in having proper knowledge of climate change, the environment, and the impacts of what we do. As of now, the tree planting activities educated about 160 participants and have planted and mulched 270 trees.
Does your story also contribute to gender equality?
Most of the participants in my webinars and activities are female.